Benefits Of New Home Construction Over Purchasing An Existing Home


Choosing whether to buy an existing home or dive into new home construction can be a difficult decision for many homeowners. Existing homes are already standing, already have utilities, and are usually in existing neighborhoods. It seems like an existing home purchase should provide a more convenient and shorter way to get your family moved into a new home, but you’re going to be living with your next home for a long time, and speed and convenience aren’t necessarily the most important considerations for such a long-term decision 

  • Don’t Buy Someone Else’s Problems – When you purchase an existing home, you have little to no idea how that home has been used or maintained over the course of its life. You get the current owner’s word about how they have maintained the home, but what about previous owners? Of course, you’ll have inspections done, but inspectors can only discover what they can see. There are some significant and potentially costly things that can be wrong with a home that routine inspections might not detect, and you will only learn about them after you’re committed and living in the home: mold, lead, hidden asbestos, and plumbing or electrical problems inside the walls, for example.
  • Get Exactly What You Want – When you work with an experienced custom home builder, you’ll get the design advice you need to build a home with all the functionality you and your family need, right from the start. Remodeling is often a process of compromise because many of the changes a homeowner would like to make involve re-working the home’s structure, so they are cost-prohibitive. New home construction gives you the opportunity to create the spaces you need and want without that type of compromise. Create the natural lightscape you want, build in the storage you need, plan for future needs, and start with a completely blank slate for style. home builders Chicago
  • Take Advantage Of The Latest Technology – Existing homes vary widely in the quality of materials used to build them. Energy-efficient building materials are evolving rapidly, and there are much better offerings today than there were as little as ten years ago. Even if an existing home was built with the most efficient materials and systems of its day, it won’t be as efficient as a new home built with today’s green and energy-efficient technology. When you work with a knowledgeable builder to design a home from the ground up, everything from window placement to wall insulation and landscape plantings to the HVAC system works together to give you decades of dependable comfort, energy savings, and reduced environmental impact.

New Home Construction With Barriere Construction 

Barriere Construction has decades of experience in designing and building new construction in the Downer’s Grove, Illinois area. We are an Energy Star Certified builder, and our homes are designed for healthy and comfortable living, as well as environmentally friendly construction and use. Contact us to discuss your new home construction project ideas, and we’ll help you create the perfect home for your family today, and well into the future.

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